988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
9-8-8 is America's first 3-digit number dedicated to suicide prevention and crisis support.
It is a national portal for connecting to local services.
The 988 lifeline provides an immediate and over-the-phone connection to compassionate, supportive, and accessible care for anyone experiencing mental-related distress, or those who are trying to help a loved one who's struggling.
By calling or texting 988, you'll talk with a mental health professional with the Lifeline network.
Calls from Santa Cruz, Monterey, and San Benito are answered by mental health professionals at Suicide Prevention Services of the Central Coast who listen, understand how problems are affecting callers, provide support, and connect them to resources if and when necessary.

Statements or Threats of Suicide (Direct or Hinting)This may seem obvious but these comments are oftentimes ignored. People may think threats of suicide are bids for attention. It is important to take these statements seriously because people who talk about suicide are asking for someone to listen and help
Preoccupation with death and/or hopelessnessSuicidal people may talk about death more than usual, may make statements like “I wish I were dead” or “this would be so much easier if I was gone.” This may also come out in art or journaling.
Drug and Alcohol UseOne half of people who kill themselves are intoxicated at the time of their death. This risk increases to 80% among teens and young adults under age 25.
Giving Away Prized PossessionsIn preparation for their death, some people give away pets, family heirlooms, and other important possessions to family and friends.
Saying GoodbyeMany people make amends and say their goodbyes to family, friends, and loved ones.
Increased IsolationWhen people feel suicidal, they often isolate themselves—not returning phone calls, going out, being social, or participating in activities they used to enjoy.
Extreme ChangesMood—increased hopelessness, anxiety, anger, or the sense of being overwhelmed Personality—the person seems different or withdrawn Activity level—obvious decrease or increase in activity Appetite—eating too much or too little Sleep patterns—sleeping too much or too little.
Physical Health ComplaintsEmotional distress can show up in bodily complaints. People who are very stressed or suicidal may experience headaches, lack of sleep or appetite, muscle aches, joint issues, back pain, stomach problems, and other physical conditions.
Self Injury (Unexplained cuts/burns, frequent "accidents", etc.)Self-injury by itself is usually not a suicide attempt. It is, however, a sign that someone is going through a lot of emotional pain and needs some help and support. Suicidal thoughts may or may not be present. As with suicide, there is a lot of shame and fear of being rejected or thought “crazy” around self-harm. It is very important to be open, supportive, and willing to ask and talk about self-harm with the person in a nonjudgmental way.
Sudden Mood ElevationThis warning sign is difficult to recognize as it may appear that the person of concern is feeling better and coming out of a crisis. In fact, the opposite may be true. People who suddenly become happy after feeling sad and isolated are at higher risk for suicide. It is easier to prepare for and carry out a suicide plan when a person has more energy.
Printable Resources

24-Hour Suicide Crisis Line
Call: 988
Serving Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito Counties for over 50 years
Calls to the Suicide Crisis Line are confidential, but we are required to report to outside agencies and/or get additional help in certain situations, including immediate risk of suicide or homicide and minor, elder, or dependent adult abuse or neglect.
Las llamadas a Suicide Crisis Line son confidenciales, pero estamos obligados a informar a agencias exteriores y de obtener ayuda adicional en ciertas situaciones, incluyendo riesgo inmediato de suicidio u homicidio al igual que abuso o descuido/abandono de algún menor, anciano y/ó un adulto dependiente.